Sundays: 9am & 11am Services


Hebrews 10:24-25
And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, 
as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.
Music is a wonderful addition to almost everything. Amy did a deep dive into some of her favorite worship songs and wanted to share them with you - for your quiet time, your commute, your morning walk, or any time your soul needs to sing!  Both Spotify and Apple Music versions are provided below for your convenience.

Portico Women in the Word 2024

“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16). Scripture is the very Word of God, sacred, true, perfect, and powerful. It is also one of the primary ways in which God, through His Holy Spirit, speaks to us in the present age. In 2024, the women of Portico are meeting God and each other in His Word daily. On Sunday, January 1st, a special Bible reading group for the women of Portico will begin. Using the YouVersion Bible app, we are reading the entire Bible, chronologically. This technology is enabling us  to be in community together, encouraging one another and offering support and accountability as we seek God in His Word every day.

It's not too late to join! Jump in and start where we are. If you would like to join us in reading through the New Testament only, that portion of the plan begins on October 1st.  It's never too late to develop the habit of reading God's Word every day. If you would like to be a part of this Bible reading group, download the YouVersion Bible app on your phone, tablet, or computer (you will probably want to use your phone or tablet). Then, click this button to join the “Portico Women in the Word 2024” group:
Each day, you will navigate to the “Plans” section on the app where the passages for that day’s reading will be listed.  After you finish reading the passages for that day, there will be an opportunity to respond to what you have read in a section entitled “Talk It Over.” If you wish, you can type in a response, question, or encouragement under this section. This will be seen by the group who can then respond to you. In this way we will be able to talk through each day’s readings.

There are several useful functions within the app that may be of interest to you. First, there is an audio component which allows you to listen as the Word is read for you. There are also daily videos produced by The Bible Recap, as well as videos produced by The Bible Project for each book of the Bible which can help with your overall understanding of the individual books. If you like to highlight specific verses or passages as you read, there is also a function that allows you to do that.

Our goal is to complete the plan and therefore have read the Bible in its entirety by the end of the year. This should mean that you will have spent about twenty minutes or more in the Bible every day. However, the most important thing may be that you develop the habit of opening the Bible and reading at least one verse per day. (For example, on the homepage for the YouVersion app there is a verse of the day which can be read in just a few seconds.) The main point is to read God’s Word every single day!

If any of this seems confusing or if you just need someone to walk you through the process of getting the app and joining the group, I am happy to help you! Please email me at [email protected] and we will go from there. I cannot wait to join you in God’s Word in 2024!

To Learn More

Email [email protected] with any questions.