We give sacrificially, joyfully, and consistently.
There are lots of ways to give.
If you wish to give your gifts and offerings in person, we have boxes set up by the exits of the auditorium during our Sunday gatherings.
If you would prefer to send your contributions by mail, you may do so by making your check out to “Portico Church” and mailing it to:
You can give through a text by sending the message GIVE to 434.771.1700.
Give a single gift or schedule a recurring gift through Portico Online (CCB), our church’s secure communication platform. You can schedule or modify your recurring gift at any time.
Portico Church is able to receive donations of stocks, securities, and various other forms of giving. If you have questions about giving or would like to donate in these ways, please reach out to our Finance Director, Janet Lohr at [email protected].