Click here to watch our video trailer and learn more about Homecoming:
Homecoming TrailerYou can give online or by check (mail/in person).
Fill out a physical copy of a Pledge Card and drop in the blue box in the lobby or complete this digital Pledge Card.
Give online by going to CCB and selecting the 'Building Fund' designation.
Drop a check in one of our black offering boxes located at the side and rear Sanctuary exits. Please make checks out to Portico Church and write 'Building Fund' in the memo line.
Mail a check to Portico Church, 981 2nd Street SE, Charlottesville, VA 22902. Please make checks out to Portico Church and write 'Building Fund' in the memo line.
If you have questions about making a gift, please email Caitlin Jones at [email protected].
These Portico volunteers comprise our Future Home team, working with the architects, builder, engineers, and coordinating our capital campaign. Please direct questions, comments, or suggestions to one of these team members.
Please join us in praying for the following:
Pray for clear direction and wisdom for our team as we continue to plan and pursue this building project.
Pray for financial resources to be provided through our generous family and extended family.
Pray for continued unity amongst our Elder Team and Future Home Team as we overcome challenges and make key decisions.
Pray that the campaign strengthens the faith of everyone involved as we rely on God to provide what is needed and direct our path.
Pray for a spirit of generosity and that God's people would be moved to give sacrificially and joyfully.
Pray that we would continue to develop relationships with our neighbors and local government.
Pray for the architects, builders, and engineers that are working on our project.
Pray that we would clearly and effectively communicate the vision and progress of Homecoming.