9am & 11am Services Resuming Sunday, August 18th




The gospel is the good news that God’s grace enters our broken world and redeems his fallen creation through the person and work of Jesus Christ. We are saved from our sins by his grace through faith in the finished work of Christ—his life, death, resurrection—not through our efforts and works. At the heart of sound doctrine is the cross of Jesus Christ and the tremendous privilege that redeemed sinners have in glorifying God because of Christ’s sacrifice.  Therefore, we want our hearts, church, and ministry to be deeply rooted in the gospel.


  • There is one true, good, and living God who eternally exists in three persons—the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  • The Bible is the Word of God, fully inspired and without error in the original manuscripts.
  • God created men and women in His image and created all things for His glory.
  • All have sinned and rebelled against God.
  • Jesus came to earth, lived a perfect life, and died an atoning death—conquering sin, Satan, and death by His resurrection.
  • Through faith in Jesus Christ we can be rescued, reconciled, and renewed.
  • The Holy Spirit gives gifts to those who are in Christ by indwelling, illuminating, guiding, equipping, and empowering them for victorious living.
  • The church consists of all who have trusted Jesus for their eternal salvation.
  • Jesus Christ will return to consummate His Kingdom.
  • Heaven and hell are real places.