One Service Summer starting June 9th - 10am Service

Thank You Greg Lohr!

Deacon Update; Greg Lohr

We would like to thank Greg Lohr for his 10+ years of service to Portico Church. Fondly known to all as Brother Greg, he has served throughout the years as Deacon of Marriage, and most recently, Deacon of Men. Brother Greg has recently stepped down from his Deacon position so that he can wholeheartedly pursue his passion for Portico Kids. Alongside his wife, Janet, you can find Brother Greg in the Lodge Classroom every Sunday morning during the 11:00am service. Filled with lively discussion and bible application, our 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders have been immensely blessed by his dedication and leadership in their class. Brother Greg truly delights in these children, and the Lord has given him a clear calling to continue to pour into our youth, and teach and encourage these future generations of believers. Join us in thanking Brother Greg for his years of diaconate service to our church and so many of your families, and his continued dedication and commitment to our children.