9am & 11am Services Resuming Sunday, August 18th

June Transition Team Update

Hello Portico family!  

For those of you who don’t know, I (Jeremiah Hovis) have had the pleasure to lead what we are calling our "Transition Team".  As many of you are aware, leadership transitions can be challenging and Portico has had some leadership changes over the last few months.  The purpose of the Transition Team is to help facilitate a smooth transition for both the congregation and the incoming lead pastor.  Our team consists of the following Portico members:
• Irfan Bhimji
• Greg Bures
• Courtney Dillard
• Jack Hawxhurst
• Jeremiah Hovis
• Jim Schmidt
• Christina Slater

Our team is focused on the following key tasks:
• Connection – Create, facilitate, and promote ways for the members of Portico to meet our Acting Lead Pastor (Jason Connor) that allow for conversation and connection
• Assessment – Assess Jason’s ability and readiness to serve as our permanent lead pastor at Portico church
• Recommendation – The Transition Team will conclude the summer but presenting the elders with a recommendation on whether or not we believe Jason should be installed as the permanent pastor at Portico church

We started this process in April of this year and will conclude with a recommendation in late August/early September.  Specifically, on the Connections side, the Connors are visiting all of the Community Groups this summer to have a chance to meet and speak with many of you.  There will also be opportunities on July 11th and August 15th to come and chat with Jason in a casual setting at the church (more to come on that!).  Please stay tuned for more information on ways to connect with Jason and his wife Christy!

Lastly, our team has been assessing Jason in a variety of areas (i.e. Character, Competency, Calling, Compatibility) over the last few months.  As mentioned above we plan to submit a recommendation to the Elders in late August/early September and from there the Elders will take one of the following actions:
• Recommend Jason Conner to the congregation as the permanent lead pastor and call for a Member Affirmation Vote
• End Jason’s candidacy period and begin the search for a new lead pastor candidate

Please do continue to pray for our Transition Team and our church as we go through this process and feel free to reach out to anyone on the team if you have any questions!

Jeremiah Hovis