One Service Summer starting June 9th - 10am Service

September 2022 Member Gathering Recap

Dear Portico Church Members,

On Thursday, September 29, 2022 the Members of Portico Church gathered to discuss the life and future of our church. Member Gatherings serve an important role in the life of our church by keeping us connected, unified, and prepared to embrace the road ahead. The following is a summary of our Member Gathering.

Key Takeaways:
  • Jason Conner has been affirmed by the Members of Portico Church and will be installed as our Lead Pastor during worship service on Sunday, October 2, 2022.
  • Even though our focus this year is Being Brilliant in the Basics, God’s gracious work is evident in our vibrant, growing, and fruitful ministries.
  • Members are being asked to renew their membership.

Leader Team
Portico Church has been blessed with an outstanding team of leaders. Over the past several months they have grown in unity, and effectiveness. Here’s who works at Portico Church:

  • Caitlin Jones - Executive Director
  • Desmond Glenn - Community Care Pastor
  • Daniel Kwak - Generations Pastor
  • Edward Robinson - Teaching Pastor
  • Jon Watts - Pastoral Assistant
  • Jason Conner - Lead Pastor
  • Amy Thornton - Women’s Director
  • Jon Huang - Worship Director
  • Janet Lohr - Financial Director
  • Courtney Dillard - Portico Kids Director

  • Giving is 11%-15% below budgeted income
    • The trend is positive and moving in the right direction
  • Transition and renewal is expensive as expected
  • We will present a budget at our Member Gathering in Q1 of 2023
  • Deacon Chris Hoffman has been chosen to serve as Treasurer

  • We purchased 62.5 acres of land on Polo Grounds Rd this summer. By God’s grace, we were able to pay cash for this purchase.
  • Next Steps?
    • The Land Team will help us steward the land as we prepare the land for future use
    • We plan on going back to the drawing board when it comes to plans, builders, fund raising, etc
    • Expect to hear more in Q1 of 2023

IX Building Lease Extension
  • Stephen Trivette, Pastor Edward Robinson, Elder Ron Londen were able to negotiate a 4 year lease extension in our present space. We are stable in our location through April 2027
  • Letting go of some unused office space saved us $2500/mo.

  • We are looking forward to hosting local homeless men in our building from December 3 - December 16.
  • PACEM is a key outreach Portico Church has supported for over a decade
  • Expect to hear more from the Deacons on how to participate

  • 3 new Community Groups
  • 62 attended Foundations (re-designed Gospel Class)
  • 173 Members (including 21 new members)
  • 14 new Members in process
  • 15 baptisms
  • New Portico Kids Director (Courtney Dillard)
  • 95 kids in Portico Kids last Sunday
  • 6 New Committed Teachers
  • 31 attending LEAD Class—our development track for new leaders
  • Our first joint elder retreat with Front Porch Fellowship of Churches—our newly established network for Portico Churches

New Bylaws
  • New Bylaws effective November 1, 2022
    • What are bylaws?
      • Bylaws are required for non-profits (including churches) and serve as an operations manual.
    • Why do we need new bylaws?
      • Bylaws provide a safe organizational structure so the church can flourish in its mission. Our bylaws needed updating to provide organizational clarity and alignment to the way we operate as a church. These new bylaws are tailored to Portico Church
    • What’s new?
      • Our form of government is now elder-led, congregationally affirmed. This means that we are led by a plurality of Elders but Members are asked to affirm some specific Elder decisions by vote (new Elders/Deacons/Lead Pastor/purchase of real property).
    • How can I learn more?
      • All Members will be provided a link to review the new bylaws. Please reach out to a pastor to discuss any questions you might have.

Membership Renewal
  • All Members are being asked to renew their membership by year’s end.
    • Why are we being asked to renew our membership?
      • Portico Church has a new leader team, new bylaws, and a refocused mission. We’ve been through a lot in a short amount of time and we want to provide clarity in what it means to move forward together.
      • The process of membership renewal allows everyone to consider what it means to belong to this family.
  • What do I need to do?
    • Members can login to the online portal and:
      • Read:
        • The Membership Statement of Belief & Practice
        • Foundations Course Guide
        • New bylaws
      • Watch Foundations Class
      • Complete the Membership Renewal Form (coming in November)

Friends, I know this is a lot of information to process. Thank you for your patience and faithful endurance. Our focus at Portico Church remains Being Brilliant in the Basics. Please join me in considering the ways God has abundantly blessed us—even in this season. Let’s be expectant and ready as we move forward together.

Yours in Christ,

Jason Conner
Lead Pastor
Portico Church